October 2, 2022

New Review Workflow

Request reviews on your work and see everything that needs your review

When working with a team, it is common to need your teammates' eyes on your work in order to move forward. Now you can request a review directly on a task and the Reviewer will be notified. Reviewers can see all the work that they need to review in one place—the My Work screen has a new "Reviewing" tab that collects all the tasks and projects where you are the reviewer. If someone is taking too long to complete their review, you can politely remind them with the "Nudge" button.

See all work you're reviewing in one place

  • We've added a tab to the My Work screen that collects all the tasks and projects where you are the Reviewer. This makes it easy to keep tabs on everything that needs your attention.
  • You can easily see when a task has a pending review without opening the task. This way you can see which tasks need your attention.

How to get started

Request a review on your work

  • When you're the assignee on a task, you'll see a Request Review button at the bottom of the activity feed (if the button is not showing or is disabled, it may be because there is not a Reviewer set on the task).
  • Click the Request Review button. This will notify the Reviewer that you're ready for a review.
  • The Reviewer can leave comments on the task, update properties, and click the "Mark Reviewed" button when they're done.
  • The Reviewer will then be prompted to mark the task done if there's nothing left to do.
  • If there are further adjustments to make, the assignee can submit another Review Request.

View all work where you are the reviewer

  • Navigate to the My Work screen using the button in the top bar
  • View the "Reviewing" tab to see all the work on which you are set as the reviewer

See work that is awaiting your review

  • Navigate to the My Work screen using the button in the top bar
  • View the "Reviewing" tab to see all the work on which you are set as the reviewer
  • Each task or project that is awaiting your review will have a "Pending Review" indicator on it